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I have always known this to be true, but a little over a month ago, the reality of this truth hit hard.  It was a typical Saturday morning, and I was making my run through Thabong picking up my guys that attend The Brotherhood at our home…

Please pause for a moment and think of yourself as a young 19-year-old man that just finished high school with his degree and is looking forward to getting on to the next stage of his life. Unfortunately, one barrier will keep you from getting a job, getting a driver’s license, or being able to register and apply to enter College/University…

Several months ago, I started a new study with the guys living here at our house based on the book “The Measure of a Man.” The guys quickly grasped what Gene Getz was teaching in each chapter of the book. After all, most have never had the question answered, “What type of man…

Electricity issues have leveled off somewhat, and we have learned to work around those we have. We still have load shedding every day, but it is only for 2 hours, usually twice daily. Fortunately, we haven’t had any Stage 6 days where we have 2-3 4-hour sessions of no power…

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About Us

Jim and Kim Heffner have been missionaries working in South Africa since August, 2014 under the banner of Unashamed Ministries. For almost a decade now, they have focused solely on raising up young people to be godly men and women who live God-honoring, productive lives.

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